Happy Friday, 350 PNW Local Group Leaders,
I usually send out this weekly email to our Washington Network but I’m sending this one out to our whole region because there’s so much good stuff to pass along.
Can I tell you a secret? Yesterday I had the honor of joining the 350 US Virtual Planning Retreat for their final day as we mapped out the next 6 months of campaigns in this extraordinary year of 2020. The brilliance, wisdom, and collaboration I witnessed in that organizing space is going to stay with me for a long time. I can’t *quite* spill the beans yet about the incredible, bold, and collaborative path that our leadership is forging for us, but I can say that I am more excited to be working with 350.org today than ever before. You’ll be hearing details soon about the full launch as it comes together swiftly and thoughtfully in this rapidly changing organizing landscape.
I truly believe we are at the cusp of broad transformational social change – and that each of us has a vital role to play at our local groups in ensuring that the outcome of that change is justice.
Short Video to Share: Defending Black Lives
Remember my colleague Dominique Thomas, 350.org’s Mid-Atlantic Regional Organizer from last week’s webinar? She’s back and just made this amazing short video: Defending Black Lives & the accompanying video share pack to help you share it as widely as possible with your own members and broader community. This video calls climate organizers into the movement for Black lives and beautifully explains the connections between climate justice and racial justice.
Opportunity: Racial Justice & Equity (RJ&E) Community of Practice
As the historic and powerful uprising to defend Black lives continues to grow, we wanted to let you know that we’re opening applications from now through July 31st to the Racial Justice & Equity (RJ&E) Community of Practice. The Community of Practice is a group of 350 affiliated local affiliate leaders who meet every six weeks to share and learn from each other around best practices for building RJ&E work organizationally. It’s been meeting for the past 2.5 years and we open the group up to new member groups every six months.
Local groups that apply by June 24th will be able to join our next call on July 8th and groups that apply by July 30th can join with the call on August 18th. From now through the end of 2020, the group will be meeting every six weeks on Wednesdays from 3-4:30 pm EST, but we’re open to revisiting this for 2021 based on the current Community’s preferences.
Here’s more information and here’s the application.
Once we receive a completed application from your group, we’ll be in touch with further details. Please complete all sections of the application and email Deborah Rosenstein (deborah@350.org) with any questions.
350.org + The Poor People’s Campaign
I want to make sure this message from Natalia Cardona at 350.org is on your radar! 350.org is proud to join the Poor People’s Campaign as a partner for the Mass Poor People’s Assembly and Moral March on Washington Digital Justice Gathering, broadcast on June 20, 2020 at 10 AM EST & 6 PM EST and on June 21 at 6 PM EST at June2020.org. Climate disasters and rapidly changing weather patterns have shown that those most impacted by climate change are Black, Indigenous, and communities of color who too often are also facing economic injustice. The link between climate justice, racial justice, and economic justice is more apparent than ever–that’s why I am encouraging you to register today for June 20, 2020.
350 WA Conversations
This week’s call was a special regional edition as we gathered to reflect on the message from Black leadership at 350.org to all of us climate organizers at local groups in the webinar “In Defense of Black Lives”. This was a powerful and much-needed conversation for our region, and we will continue the conversation at next week’s call as we all work towards justice as climate organizers.
Recap and Resources:
350 PNW Conversations: “In Defense of Black Lives”
Meeting Notes + Slides w/Resources + Video
Join us next Monday, and keep sending active volunteers from your local group! These calls are a wonderful place to get inspired and connected as we all work to adapt to the many changes of 2020.
350 WA Network Conversations
When: Monday, June 15th, @ 6pm – 7:30pm
Where: ZOOM!
Warmth and light to you all,