
Hundreds of thousands of people are fleeing the fires in California. Yesterday, the Keystone 1 pipeline had a major spill leaking 383,000 gallons of tar sands in North Dakota. The climate crisis is here. Amidst this news, the Trump Administration is trying to seal the deal on one of the biggest climate-destroying projects ever: the Keystone XL pipeline. We have a little less than a month to take action to stop Trump.

The State Department has once again released a disturbing environmental impact statement that disregards the impact this dirty tar sands pipeline would have on our climate and completely ignored the rights of Indigenous communities along the route.

We need thousands of people to submit public comments over the next month to make our voices heard. Click here to submit your comment now before the November 18th deadline. 

Our movement has delayed this pipeline since Trump stepped into office. 2020 is right around the corner, and if we can continue to delay Keystone XL, we may have a shot at halting it for good next year.

The State Department must review every comment submitted before moving forward. Add your voice and help flood their inbox. Submit your comment opposing KXL now.

Given the massive numbers coming out of the Climate Strike, we know our voice and our movement is building momentum and that fossil fuel billionaires are fighting back as hard as they can. But they won’t stop us and we will not be ignored.

It’s going to take all of us to win. Add your comment to stop KXL here. 

Thank you for taking action where it matters. I won’t stop fighting until we stop Keystone XL once and for all. Based on what I’ve seen in this fight, I know you won’t either.

Until we win,

Shireen is a global movement that fights for a just and equitable world by stopping the fossil fuel industry from continuing to destroy our climate.
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