Here’s one thing I know: If we want to accomplish real change — and win this campaign — we need to have a plan.
That’s why I’m so excited to invite you to an important call this Wednesday, September 5 at 6:00 p.m., with me and Ahmed Gaya, Yes on 1631’s field director.
We’re going to talk through “the plan.” We want you to hear how we’re going to win and how you can find the most valuable roles to help us get there.
This is going to be a hard fought election, and with just 66 days to go this campaign is kicking into high gear. This is the time we need your support. If you haven’t been sure if and when you’re going to take the next step, this is the time to have the most impact, and help make Washington a cleaner and healthier place for everyone.
The best way for you to find out how to be involved is by joining Ahmed and me on Wednesday, September 5 at 6:00 p.m. for our Yes on 1631 call:
I-1631 is Washington’s first step towards reducing pollution and ensuring a cleaner future for the next generation. Click here to learn more about how this will protect our state’s health, our air, and drinking water, and create new clean energy jobs across the state.
Paid for by Clean Air Clean Energy WA
Contributions to Clean Air Clean Energy WA are not tax deductible.
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