What an awesome regional 350 PNW call we had this week. Twenty-one of us from across the PNW gathered for the first time in a month!
For those who missed it, here is the video and slides with awesome resources. This was a big night for climate forestry issues, rights of nature, and transportation policy. Be sure to check out all of the links for next steps and how to take action on these awesome opportunities from our special guests.
Huge gratitude to our guests:
Sam Krop co-founder and Steering Committee member of the Pacific Northwest Forest Climate Alliance shared about their regional coalition efforts around forestry as a climate issue
This regional coalition has several great workgroups focused on forest as a climate issue, and all PNW folx are welcome to join!
Join the PNW Forest Climate Alliance as an individual or as an organization!
Check out their Membership Handbook and their new Forestry GND campaign: https://gnd-for-pnw-forests.squarespace.com
Big article about forestry in WA: https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/environment/amid-climate-crisis-a-proposal-to-save-washington-state-forests-for-carbon-storage-not-logging/
And folx can connect with Sam Krop: sam@forestwaters.org
Elizabeth Dunne from Earth Law Center talked with us about their efforts around a forest land management case in the WA Supreme Court and their work on the Rights of Nature
Elizabeth is a lawyer with background in the Rights of Nature work. Earth Law Center supports RofN efforts, and Indigenous sovereignty. Other nations have adopted rights of nature at a constitutional level; in the US it’s still
Requiring bottom-up organizing at the local level. ELC is a party to the WEC/Conservation NW suit against the DNR regarding the interpretation of “all the people”. ELC is taking on co-signers to their amicus brief in that case. -
Connecting with Elizabeth Dunne: edunne@earthlaw.org
Ingrid Elliot and Andrew Kidde of 350 Seattle’s Transportation Team talked with us about the new ways we can all get involved across WA over the summer on transportation issues
Transportation Bill of Rights (draft!): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1R42p5OrqV4ZDImbXKdM4GM72RgV9OlDlWihO9BDLlZ4/edit
More info in the Transportation Bill of Rights doc (includes specific asks and a place for you to add your thoughts): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1R42p5OrqV4ZDImbXKdM4GM72RgV9OlDlWihO9BDLlZ4/edit
Please reach out to Ingrid to discuss state transportation pkg and your community’s needs. Ingrid Elliott: elliottshapiro@mac.com
If you’re seeing this email but I have not yet joined the 350 Washington network listserv, let me know! (Grace@350Seattle.org). We are encouraging everyone in our community to join this listserv as our state wide communication and organizing tool. Help us build our community!
Our next regional call is in two weeks on Monday, June 28 from 6 PM to 7:30PM you can register here, and please reach out to Grace if you have any special presentations, ideas, or content for our time together.
These calls are sponsored by the 350 WA Network and 350 Seattle. You can make a donation to support this work here: https://secure.everyaction.com/2PVe2JFci0atHgoj_M1vbA2