![]() Jeanne- Trump and the oil industry are at it again. Tough news – Trump’s at it again. With the oil industry floundering because of decreased demand and an oversupply of oil, Steven Mnuchin and Donald Trump are once again looking for ways to give away your taxpayer dollars to the dying fossil fuel industry.1 Fortunately, help is on the way — champs in Congress are about to introduce legislation, the REWIND Act, which would stop giveaways to the oil industry during the crisis. Look, I wish I could say this was a surprise, but you and I and everyone watching this administration knew from the start that Trump and his cronies would jump through hoops to provide loopholes and handouts to the fossil fuel industry. But I believe all of us who are outraged can stop them if we mobilize now. Here’s how we’ll do it: 1. Investigate and expose the fossil fuel lobbyists behind this sweetheart deal. They want to make this happen out of view from the people and we can’t allow that, we cannot let oil companies regulate themselves! Millions of dollars from loan programs like this can pass through multi-millionaire and billionaire CEOs and shareholders, rather than going directly to the workers who need it most. And the oil industry is completely unstable with bad decision after bad decision leading to massive overproduction. We must support workers, not prop up the CEOs of a declining dirty industry. 2. Rally millions to speak out against this corrupt deal to prioritize the failing oil industry over the health of people in a pandemic. If we get loud enough, we can ensure a growing number of business and political leaders won’t want to be associated with such an awful position. 3. Mobilize to stop this in Congress. Let’s pass the REWIND Act and ensure the next stimulus bill puts people first. Period. Are you with us Jeanne? Add your voice now. The truth is this: the oil industry is morally bankrupt. Oil execs have been putting profits over people and the planet for years, and without billions in taxpayer assistance wouldn’t be able to survive. Across the country, essential workers still lack personal protective equipment and many families are unable to support themselves. Instead of providing handouts to failing fossil fuel CEOs and wealthy shareholders, we need to provide relief directly to workers and families. I hope you’ll take a quick second to message your Senators and Member of Congress now. Thanks for all you do. [1] finance.yahoo.com/news/fed-opens-door-oil-company-181242740.html Greenpeace never takes a dime from corporations or governments. Everything we do is thanks to the generous support of people like you! Greenpeace 702 H Street, NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20001 | 1-800-722-6995
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Good action for May Day –
This one from Greenpeace -