Come Out to the Yintah to Support the Unist’ot’en Village and Healing Centre May 23 – June 11
Supporters are needed to help with a variety of construction projects and a large push to gather firewood for the season at the Unist’ot’en Healing Village.
Anybody who can follow Indigenous leadership and be there to contribute what you are able is welcome. Cooks, Medics, Builders, Electricians, Powersaw Operators, Plumbers and People ready to cut and carry wood are especially needed.
Three meals a day plus snacks are provided and lodging is camping in the beautiful forest on the Yintah.
Folks are asked to stay for at least two weeks of the camp period. Supporters are also welcome outside of the work camp window!
Many visitors and long time supporters have shared how significant an experience coming to camp has been for them. In this time of climate crisis and government attacks on Indigenous sovereignty we hope you’ll rise to the moment and join those who have been on the frontlines of this fight for over a decade.
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