Dear Jeanne,

At home and abroad, the US war machine is a huge driver of climate change and human rights violations. This is especially so in the Philippines. US-backed state violence is displacing Indigenous peoples, and causing massive environmental injustices, making people even more vulnerable to climate chaos.

PNWPOP Seattle Counter Summer Against Apec - July 29th-30thFor many of us, today is a day off work. A day spent with our friends and families. A day spent outside, and eating good food. All those things are important. We need more time for rest, connection, and community in our lives! But we can’t forget that this country was founded on the genocide and land theft of indigenous people, built by enslaved people and indentured workers. Today is a national holiday celebrating freedom – but who’s freedom, and at what cost?

As residents of the US, we have a powerful opportunity to be in solidarity and support people around the world in their struggle for freedom, land rights, and climate justice. Seattle will soon host corporations and government leaders preparing for the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) trade forum. Behind closed doors, APEC will negotiate trade agreements that have a massive impact on climate action, jobs, wages, labor rights and corporate monopoly power for decades to come.

When corporations write the rules, our families, our future and our shared home are at risk. That’s why dozens of community groups and labor unions have come together for the Pacific Northwest People Over Profit (PNW-POP) campaign – to ensure that demands for worker-centered, climate-friendly trade policy are front-and-center during the Seattle APEC meetings.

It will take a massive organizing push to win climate-friendly and worker-centered trade policy – can you support by making a donation to PNW-POP today?

Whether you can donate $5 or $50, your contribution supports powerful grassroots organizing for climate justice and human rights.

In solidarity,

P.s. Want to learn more about the connections between US trade, militarism and corporate profits? Check out the recording from PNW-POP’s June 13 teach in here.


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Seattle, WA 98105
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