It’s May Day here in Tacoma! Even though quarantine has us all sheltering in place, there are still lots of opportunities to make our voices heard and speak up for climate justice in the South Salish Sea.
May Day Activities
Just Recovery & the People’s Bailout May Day Action
May Day is an international day of action historically led by immigrants and workers to demonstrate strength and solidarity. What binds us together as people is stronger than what separates us and divides us. We must come together to stand in solidarity with those who are hardest hit at this moment.
On May Day – May 1, 2020 – we are coming together to make some noise and tell our stories, in solidarity with one another, and to unite our individual fights into a shared struggle.
When we join together on May Day, we’ll be louder and stronger than ever before. We’ll tell those in power – from Congress to the White House, law enforcement, corporations, landlords, and Wall Street – that we need a #PeoplesBailout – relief that is informed by the people and supports the people directly.
Justice for Detainees
La Resistencia organizers for justice at the Northwest Detention Center will go live at noon tomorrow with updates on conditions inside NWDC and action steps you can take to keep the pressure on decision-makers on the outside.
“This #MayDay, we join activists worldwide in demanding freedom of movement for all migrants and dignity for all workers. In the thick of the COVID-19 pandemic, detained workers continue to do the vast majority of the cleaning and maintenance at NWDC. They’re paid $1/day for their labor, and they’re not given adequate personal protective equipment. Fearing for their lives, detained people have taken bolder and bolder action to demand their freedom. They’ve staged multiple waves of hunger strikes. They’ve coordinated to spell out an SOS signal with their own bodies. Join us to learn how you can take action in solidarity with them.”
Peace Poet’s JUST RECOVERY Music Video: Deadline Extended to TODAY – May 1st
Want to contribute to a GLOBAL music video calling for a just recovery from COVID-19?
The Peace Poets are collaborating with on a musical video project calling for a just recovery & just transition. Take 10 minutes to add your voice! We want this to be a truly global moment of solidarity and strength – so we’re looking for participants from all over the world. Learn more about the project and easy steps for participation:
On May Day the BlueGreen Alliance in Washington State is leading an online action designed to both thank frontline workers for their service to us all during this pandemic and to call on DOL Secretary Scalia and OSHA to do more to protect all workers. All you need to do is record a video message using the script on the attached guidance, and post on your social media platforms using the suggested @s and #s so the BGA accounts are able to see and amplify.
The outstanding youth organizers of Sunrise Tacoma organized an incredible virtual climate strike for Earth Day 2020 last week. Did you have a chance to catch it? With an hour each dedicated to the crucial issues of Social Justice, Economic Justice, and Environmental Justice, the strike was educational and full of opportunities to take meaningful actions!
Here are links to the Facebook livestream if you missed it:
Sunrise Tacoma Virtual Climate Strike Video Part 1
Sunrise Tacoma Virtual Climate Strike Video Part 2
Sunrise Tacoma demands a national Green New Deal to fix the economic, social, and environmental justice crises that affect everyone today. Read Sunrise’s break-down of the Green New Deal and the People’s Bailout, and why Sunrise is promoting it during the pandemic.
BIPOC Opportunity
We are thrilled to announce that is launching the BIPOC Climate Leadership Program, a free training and leadership program created by Black organizers at dedicated to climate and racial justice. For too long, BIPOC communities have dealt with the nefarious effects of climate change and have been largely left out of the climate movement. It is time that climate action against the fossil fuel industry and structural systems of oppression is powered by people who have a stake in this work due to their lived experience.
The BIPOC Climate Leadership Program is an opportunity for Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) interested in climate justice and racial justice organizing. This FREE program exists to equip organizers with the tools they need to tackle systems of environmental oppression in 2020 and beyond.
Sent via Action Network, a free online toolset anyone can use to organize. Click here to sign up and get started building an email list and creating online actions today.
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