Hey Jeanne,
Yesterday evening, in defense of Black lives, over 1,000 of you joined our Dismantling White Supremacy mass call while, several hundreds more tuned in through the live stream on Youtube and on our website. Thank you for showing up and taking action where it matters, and for your eagerness to learn from the vision and leadership of Black frontline organizers, partners, and 350.org staff.
We want to acknowledge that nearly 5,000 of you registered for the mass call and not everyone was able to join us due to capacity issues – we apologize for the inconvenience. If you were not able to join, please watch the recording of our mass call and take action.
Because of your generosity and willingness to learn and be in this struggle with us, in less than 24 hours, we raised over $51,000 to support bail funds and organizations on the ground supporting frontline protesters. Let that sink in.
We’ve seen what we can accomplish when we take swift and collective action together. If you didn’t have the chance to take action with us yesterday, you can take action now by:
- Taking the allyship pledge if you are a non-Black ally pledge here.
- Donating here to support bail funds around the nation (all donations are shared among the bail funds listed).
- Reviewing 350.org’s Guide to Showing up for Black Lives for White and Non-Black allies (bilingual guide in English and Spanish).
- Participating in the Week of Action *going on now* in Defense of Black Lives.
- Learning more about police Abolition.
Chip in $100.00 to frontline protesters →
As promised, here are some important next steps and resources to continue acting in solidarity. Most immediately, you can join The Movement for Black Lives today by taking action and join their national call in defense of Black Lives tomorrow. There is a consistent need for your actions to ensure that Black Lives are being supported. Keep showing support by:
- Respect Protestors: tweet at Trump to end his criminalizing and threatening language; deliver supplies and donate to support protestors; join protests if you are able to safely; create signs and leave them at police stations; donate to bail funds.
- Invest – Divest: tweet and speak at local meetings to ask for divestment from local police; speak with loved ones about why it’s important to defund the police; phone bank putting pressure on targets one at a time; protest at the homes of people who manage police contracts.
- Address COVID-19: hold an online meeting about ways to facilitate self-governance; engage in political education around community control; car caravan to public officials’ homes demanding community control over problematic policies and public institutions.
- Community Control: donate to those impacted by state-sanctioned violence by supporting their gofundme sites; contribute to mutual aid; virtually target congressional leaders to move another stimulus package with clear material benefits for Black people; offer rides or a car to support local protest tactics.
- End the War on Black People: make noise and let people know you care – use #BlackLivesMatter; organize a twitter storm; organize a march; plan a banner drop.
For white and non-Black people of color, we’re on a journey and we all need to continue to learn. Please check out these resources:
- Read about Dismantling White Supremacy / Lo que Debemos Hacer para Desmantelar la Supremacía Blanca and check out the resources.
- Start organizing in your community with this Racial Justice-Climate Justice Arts Toolkit.
- If you are a member of a local 350 group, consider applying to join our Racial Justice & Equity Community of Practice. Reach out to Deborah@350.org for more information.
Additional Resources to check out:
- Defund the Police-Open Letter
- Greenpeace Toolkit to Defend Black Lives
- Color of Change Petitions
- 5 Things White People Can Do Right Now
- #End White Silence Toolkit
- Beginner guide to prison abolition
- Sunrise Taking Action for Black Lives
In solidarity,
Rell Brown, Dominique Thomas, Nkenge Abidemi, Tianna Arrendondo, Clarissa Brooks
350.org US Organizers
P.S. – Go to defendingblacklives.org to learn more about what you can do in the days ahead, wherever you are.

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