Here is the action toolkit (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZRUxZY56zRZcRGZfs0ec1zv07APMaIUp2vUj_9doyaU/edit) – please keep up the pressure and stay tuned for updates. Together we can hold Formosa Plastics accountable around the world!
If you weren’t able to attend the event live, here is a recording (https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/0TXuhuKm4pbOu-P3_zYZdGZ5mMAx6IsX7DhWdk-e5F2XeYObDP76zAdtpudrt_3V.GC-Tc5RtXWl5L2Zt). A big thank you to our speakers: And much appreciation for hosts, Shamyra and Shamell Lavigne, translators Huy Quang Nguyen and Vicky Chuan, and all the behind-the-scenes organizers: Anais Peterson, Tim Schutz, Logan Wolf, Kaitlyn Joshua, Gary Watson, Michael Esealuka, Michelle Chan, Paloma Henriques, the No Formosa Finance coalition, and all of our amazing partner organizations! |