Kevin –

In the 1970s the fossil fuel industry’s own scientists told them about climate change, but rather than tell the world the truth, the industry spent the next forty years funneling tens of millions of dollars into disinformation campaigns. And they are still doing it. This couldn’t be clearer from the battle on I-1631. On the one side, we have communities of color-led coalitions, the majority of WA labor unions, and dozens of health, faith, and environmental organizations. On the other: the oil industry. Big Oil has now spent well over $15 million on the deceitful disinformation campaign to defeat Yes on 1631.

Oil industry dollars and disinformation mean that this is going to be an incredibly close fight; it could even come down to just a few thousand votes. And that is why I’m writing today to ask you to step up and do your bit. Between now and November 6th, we’re going to knock on over 300,000 doors, make over 400,000 phone calls and send over 500,000 emails to ensure that Washington says Yes on 1631. To do that we need literally thousands of people to step up and volunteer.

Can you please take five minutes to sign up here to get involved and do your part to pass I-1631?

We are asking people to make some big commitments; including volunteering full-time for the campaign for 4 days, 1 week or 2 weeks. We know this is a big ask. But we also know the only way we can counter the money of the oil industry is with a massive people-powered, volunteer-driven campaign.

Whether you only have ten minutes, or you’re able to throw it all down and volunteer full-time for a month, we need YOU to volunteer for Yes on 1631.

The next fifty days really will decide whether or not Washington becomes the first state in the country to put a price on carbon pollution and raises billions of dollars for investments in clean energy, clean air, and clean water in the process.

If you are only able to sign up to do one single phone bank, or whether you can volunteer full-time, we need YOU. Please sign up here and I will be in touch. 

With hope,

PS: If you can, come and join us at Bill McKibben’s Yes on 1631 rally tonight! 🙂
