As you might remember from our last email, 350 WA is supporting the No on 2117 campaign coalition as we stand in solidarity to defeat I-2117 and protect our clean air and water, forests and farmland, jobs, and transportation investments. This threat to our state climate goals is so large that we are shaking off our summer CAT nap to bring you ways to get involved in the NO on 2117 campaign. We are thrilled to invite you to join us for the virtual Volunteer Kick Off event on Tuesday July 16 from 5:30-7:00 p.m. Join No on 2117’s Field Director and our coalition partners to learn how to get involved and build grassroots momentum to defeat I-2117! Please register here.
Volunteers are the heart of this campaign, and between the campaign’sunprecedented coalition of over 250 organizations including Tribal Nations, environmental organizations, small businesses and large leading companies, labor unions, and community organizations from across the state,volunteers are a powerful force driving us closer to our outreach goals. In order to defeat Initiative 2117, we need all-hands on-deck! Even if you can’t make it to the Kick-Off event, you can stillsign up to volunteer with the campaign. Once you’ve signed up, join us for Tuesday’s virtual kick-off event which will serve as an orientation to the campaign.
Looking to get more involved? The campaign is seeking experienced and motivated volunteers to take on key leadership positions to manage community-based campaign activities. These local leaders will be responsible for executing a robust neighbor-to-neighbor campaign working closely with other volunteer team leads and campaign organizers. If you are interested, please contact Beth Doglio ( with your county, legislative district, and specific interest using the subject line: “Key Volunteer.”
Looking forward to seeing you there!
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