Do let me know if you’ve any comments, and THANKS!
Welcome to Day 15 of the Global
15 Day Plant-Rich Diet Challenge!
Welcome to Day 15, the FINAL DAY of the Global 15 Day Plant-Rich Diet Challenge! Congratulations for getting this far – woohoo!!! We will send you a final email tomorrow with links to all the daily emails, the speaker series, and resources to continue your journey. We also invite you to share your stories from the Challenge (and recipes!) on our Facebook page. Today’s email is a long one, so here goes!
Week 2 Main Course Challenge –
Eat a Plant based Lunch and/or Dinner.
Plant-Based Recipe of the Day:
Tofu and Cauliflower in Kolhapuri Sauce
By Vegan Richa
Prep Time: 10 Minutes
Cook Time: 45 Minutes
Total Time: 55 Minutes
Servings: 4
Fact for the Day: We can feed 10 billion people now
The global population is projected to reach about 10 billion by the year 2050. Is there a way to feed all of these people without devastating yet more natural ecosystems/forests in order to graze more livestock and grow more animal feed? Yes! The good news is that shifting to plant-rich diets would enable us to feed 10 billion people without further destroying forests and allow us to restore ecosystems for carbon sequestration and rescuing of plant and animal species (not to mention ourselves!) from extinction!
Please watch this 4-minute video which predicts that 100% of the earth’s wild animals will be extinct by the year 2026 if we do not adopt plant-rich diets and stop destroying habitat TODAY.
Here’s an excerpt from an article by World Resources Institute about sustainable diets:
“Beef production requires 20 times more land and emits 20 times more greenhouse gas emissions per unit of edible protein than common plant-based protein sources such as beans, peas and lentils. Chicken and pork are more resource-efficient than beef, but still require three times more land and emit three times more greenhouse gas emissions than beans. When it comes to resource use and environmental impacts, the type of food eaten matters as much, if not more, than how that food is produced……reducing consumption of animal-based foods among the world’s wealthier populations could free up significant amounts of land—possibly enabling the world to feed 10 billion people by 2050 without agriculture further expanding into forests.”
Bonus Tips & More: Resources
We’re excited to leave you with a handful of excellent and fun resources to keep you inspired on your planetary change journey.
Click HERE for a super cool infographic from PCRM titled “The Nutrition Rainbow.” This chart shows you that the more naturally-colorful your meal is, the more likely it is to have an abundance of cancer-fighting nutrients. Pigments that give fruits and vegetables their bright colors represent a variety of protective compounds. This is just one of the reasons that keeping a bowl filled with colorful fruits in your kitchen or dining area (front and center) every day is a great strategy for encouraging healthy snacking and building strong immune systems!
Enjoy visiting the super cool and inspiring One Meal A Day for the Planet website which shows how much good you’ll do for the planet by choosing to eat more 100% plant-based meals!
Want to help make your local health care system more “healthy”? Share THIS awesome brochure from PCRM titled “Healthy Food in Health Care Toolkit” with your doctor and/or hospital administrators.
Click HERE for an informative Fact Sheet from PCRM about soy and health.
Click HERE for a sampling of some GREAT plant-based recipe websites.
We’ll leave you with these inspiring statistics from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies: Each Day, a person who eats a plant-based diet saves:
1100 gallons of water
45 pounds of grain
30 sq. ft. of forested land
20 pounds of CO2 equivalent greenhouse gasses
1 animal’s life
Speaker Series – Shalini Goenka and Ruchi Singh
Reversing Diabetes followed by a Diabetic Friendly Cooking Demonstration
Shalini Goenka is a Holistic Health Coach, and Ruchi is a Facilitator with SHARAN India.
Shalini shares how a whole-food, plant-based diet can reverse diabetes. Ruchi follows with a cooking demonstration, preparing refined sugar and oil-free pumpkin cinnamon cupcakes, and dairy-free cheesy crackers.
That’s it for the Global 15-Day Challenge 2021!
You are amazing. We are so grateful to you for embracing the possibility of dietary change for planetary and human health. We hope that you found the Challenge rewarding and also hope that we can stay in touch and work together to further planetary sustainability and global wellness for all beings!
Be sure to check your inbox tomorrow for our final email with links to the list of all daily emails and speakers, as well as additional resources.
Once again, congratulations on completing the Challenge!
The ESRAG Plant-Rich Diet Task Force
This Task Force resides under the Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group (ESRAG) and operates in accordance with Rotary International policy, but is not an agency of, nor controlled by, Rotary International.