On June 19, Laurie Embree braved the injunction zone at Kinder Morgan’s oil tanker terminal to stand in the way of a project that will exponentially increase and lock in climate-wrecking emissions. Tomorrow she will be sentenced to a maximum of 7 days in jail and $5000 in fines.Support Laurie and join us at BC Supreme Court Tuesday at 8:30 am.Join Wednesday’s Bold Action in her name.Coast Protectors will be livetreaming the press conference starting tomorrow at around 8:30 am. Watch the event page to be alerted when we go live.
Eight others arrested on Burnaby Mountain in June, including Order of Canada recipient Jean Swanson and former president of the BC Teacher’s Federation Susan Lambert, will also be in court standing with Laurie Embree for their first appearance.We invite you to attend the press conference to physically stand behind Laurie, Jean and Susan as they make the statements they will also make in court. Once the press conference is completed, the nine defendants will enter the court and their supporters will occupy the gallery, observing court protocol, per the defendant’s request. More info and RSVP here.We are moving into the final and definitive phase of stopping Kinder Morgan and Canada’s pipeline and oil tanker project and August looks to be one of the most important months so far in the eight year and ongoing fight to stop this risky diluted bitumen pipeline and oil tanker project and save our coast. But the fight will continue past August as Kinder Morgan Canada tries to rush construction ahead of multiple court challenges.We are ramping up — on Wednesday blockades begin again on Burnaby Mountain. Take Bold Action or stand in support to witness.During this kind of make-or-break moment, your support as the broader movement is crucial.The Watch House and the continuing Indigenous-led resistance on Burnaby Mountain will need funds, volunteers and more campers to win a major victory for climate justice.Killer heat waves and fires worldwide drive us on more urgently every day. If you can’t make it Wednesday, but want to take bold action, please start making preparations and sign up here for action announcements.Coast Protectors, it is time to stand up for the whales, the salmon, the climate and coast. I know we can do this. This pipeline will never be built.In solidarity,Sarah Beuhler and the Coast Protectors team
YES I will support Laurie Embree Tuesday July 31YES I Will Take or Support Bold Action Wednesday August 1YES I will Take Bold Action This Summer
YES I will donate to stop the pipeline and tanker project
YES I will help from afar |