🦋 Climate Change as Spiritual Practice – Recording + invitation to June 27th Gathering 🦋
Jonathan Gustin [Purpose Guides Institute] <jonathan@purposeguides.org>
Wed 6/15/2022 12:07 AM
Hello Kevin,
The Recording of today’s Climate Change Gathering with Joanna Macy is HERE..
We also have two additional gifts for you—an article that Joanna Macy liberally quoted from and a follow-up gathering that you are invited to on Monday June 27th:
ARTICLE – Ethical Maxims for a Marginally Inhabitable Planet – HERE.
EVENT – June 27th – Climate Change as Practice: A Deeper Exploration. (More info below)
1. GATHERING – Monday June 27th – with David, Larry, Joanna & Jonathan
Today, Joanna referenced the article Ethical Maxims for a Marginally Inhabitable Planet. Joanna and I invite you to join us and the authors (David & Larry) for a LIVE Zoom conversation based on their paper.
What: Climate Change as Spiritual Practice: A Deeper Exploration
When: Mon June 27th, 12pm-2pm PDT (3pm-5pm EDT)
12pm-1pm PDT: An exploration of Ethical Maxims for a Marginally Inhabitable Planet.
1pm-2pm PDT: The intersection between Purpose Discovery & Climate Change.
Note: You can attend the whole 2hr gathering or just one of the two segments.
Registration: No need to register. You will be sent the Zoom link 48 hours before the gathering. If you’d like to invite a friend, send them the registration page HERE.
Preparation #1: Spend a bit of time contemplating these 6 maxims:
Work hard to grasp the immensity of the change;
Cultivate radical hope;
Have a line in the sand;
Appreciate the astonishing opportunity of life at this time;
Train your body and mind;
And act for the future generations of all species.
If this intrigues you, read the full article HERE. Joanna is in LOVE with this article (and so am I!). It is 17 pages long, but is worth the effort! Find Larry Churchill & David Schenck bio’s HERE.
Preparation #2:
The theologian Frederick Buechner wrote to find “the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” The preparation question I invite you to contemplate is, “By what means can we discover the place where these two worlds meet: our joy and the world’s ache?”
2. INTERACT on our Private Facebook Group:
Join this group and share what is in your heart regarding Climate Change: HERE
If you are feeling the ache to take your soul-rooted place during the Great Turning, but are unsure about where that place is, I invite you to:
Watch – This recording of Introduction to Purpose Discovery HERE.
Interview – If you are considering taking the Purpose Discovery program (which starts on Sept 7th), you can sign up for a group interview HERE.
Joanna and I are doing these events on a gift basis. We don’t want a paywall to preclude anybody from participating live or receiving the recording. If you are able to afford the suggested donation of $20 (or some other amount), please make your contribution using the button below. These events are time consuming and expensive to produce and we’d like to produce LOTS more of them! Your support will enable us to keep offering these gatherings far and wide. Thank you.
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