Greetings Climate Resiliency Round Table,
I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and are enjoying these early signs of winter. Thank you for your patience over the past month as we worked on compiling meeting minutes and materials. Enclosed with this email you will find Climate Round Table Meeting Minutes, draft Climate Round Table Charter, and the Climate Resilience Strategy Action Planning Themes document referenced during our November 18th meeting. All of these materials have been uploaded to our Climate Resilience Planning website, along with a link to the meeting recording. We welcome any comments or feedback to the draft charter, or the Round Table process thus far, and thank you again for your participation!
Below is our Round Table meeting schedule for 2022, pending agenda items. Beginning in January, we will start the process of coordinating a series of brief meetings to convene the Small Committees, the Executive Committee, and the Science Advisory Committee. The goal will be to make introductions and set the stage for 2022. To aid in the coordination process, please respond to this email with your committee preference (i.e., forest health/wildfire, water resources, public health/vulnerable communities, and outreach/education, science advisory).
2022 Climate Round Table Meeting Series
  • February 17th – 2-4pm
  • May 19th – 2-4pm
  • August 18th – 2-4pm
  • November 17th – 2-4pm
Other Announcements
Chelan County has been invited to participate in a free webinar hosted by MRSC titled ‘Local Climate Response – Building Resiliency and Adapting to Impacts’. The webinar is scheduled for Jan 12th – from 11am to 12:30pm. Please follow this link to register and feel free to share among your various networks.
Hope you all have a wonderful holiday season!
Lisa Dowling
Natural Resource Specialist
Chelan County Natural Resource Department
411 Washington Street, Suite 201|Wenatchee, WA  98801
o. (509) 667-6682 | c. (509) 679-8532

