As Jeanne and I have been tabling at Farmer’s Markets this summer; we have been passing out a list of the many things people can do to reduce CO2 output. Jeanne Poirier gathered this information by taking some of the most popular greenhouse gas reducing ideas and including the ones mentioned most often on her list. She then listed them according to how much they would cost ($) the user; so, no matter how poor (or rich) you are, YOU can DO something! (Doing something is also one of the best ways to deal with Climate Anxiety and/or Depression) Here’s the list –CCNCWwhatcanwedo-medium2022

– Aug. 10 – Interfaith Climate Group meeting @ 1:00 We look at the Climate Crisis through a Spiritual point of view and take actions in faith. If you are interested in joining us, email interfaithclimatewen@gma

ATTEND THIS IMPORTANT WEBINAR ON TUESDAY AUGUST 9TH! Click the following link to register. The link also takes you to additional information from Columbia Riverkeepers; including a clever, informative story about waste at Hanford. Check it out! https://www.columbiariverkeeper.org/

Here’s a chance to get educated – Stop the Money Pipeline: Equity & Organizing Training Series
Session 1, How White Supremacy Shows Up in Organizing Spaces
When: August 23rd, 4-530PT/7-830ET
What: We will explore what white supremacy is, how it shows up in movement organizations (in both implicit and explicit ways) and what we can do to tackle white supremacy in our organizing and make our groups more welcoming spaces for BIPOC folks.
Session 2, Building Solidarity Across Lines of Difference
When: Tuesday, September 27th, 4-530PT / 7-830ET
What: We will explore what white supremacy is and how it shows up in movement organizations (both implicitly and explicitly). We will go deep on what we can do to tackle white supremacy in our organizing, how we can center and respect the leadership of BIPOC, and how we can build more powerful coalitions and alliances across racial difference.
Session 3, Distributing Organizational Power & Labor
When: Tuesday, October 25th, 4-530PT / 7-830ET
What: We will look at how inequities can be embedded in organizational structures and culture. We will explore different examples of organizations that have proactively addressed their structure and culture to make their spaces more transparent, accessible and equitable.
Session 4, Bringing It All Together
When: Tuesday, November, 22nd, 4-530PT / 7-830ET
What: This is when we bring it all together. We will reflect on what we have learned about dismantling white supremacy, building meaningful partnerships across lines of difference, and how equity is – and is not – reflected in our organizational structures and cultures. We will spend time creating plans to actualize our learnings together.
Great Idea – Who is willing to work with the PUDs on this project? – https://yaleclimateconnections.org/2022/08/manufactured-home-residents-often-left-out-of-energy-efficiency-conversation/
I’ll Drink to That! – https://yaleclimateconnections.org/2022/08/how-whisky-waste-could-fuel-cars/
Where is your drain water going? https://yaleclimateconnections.org/2022/08/what-homeowners-can-do-to-reduce-flooding-in-their-communities/
How ’bout that “Inflation Reduction Act” passing the Senate WITH Climate Legislation included!
Sue Kane – editor