Protect Our Air & Water – Forests & Farmland – Jobs& Transportation
Vote No on I-2117 & Against More Pollution
I-2117 allows more air pollution, and will mean more kids and adults with asthma and illness
in Washington.
I-2117 shifts the burden of paying for the impacts of pollution to communities, workers, and
I-2117 would devastate Washington’s investments in community priorities and protections
for water, air pollution, preventing wildfires, fish habitat, and transportation. It would mean:
Cuts to programs that prevent and monitor air pollution.
Cuts to programs that restore and protect rivers, lakes, and streams.
Cuts to programs that help make forests more resilient to wildfires.
Cuts to programs that protect fish habitat.
Cuts to the state transportation budget that funds road and bridge projects, ferries
and transit across the state.
Cuts to programs that support farmers and ranchers.
Join Our Unprecedented Statewide Coalition & Endorse No on 2117/
Find out More and Sign the Pledge:
(Editor’s Note: Initiative 2117 is bankrolled by extremist mega donor, Brian Heywood. He wants to roll back the progress that was made when the 2023 Legislature passed the Climate Commitment Act (CCA). The CCA is currently funding numerous projects in our state that work to decrease our carbon footprint. The largest polluters in Washington state are required to purchase allowances – the more they pollute, the more they must purchase. The state reinvests payments from polluters back into communities. CCA funding helps more Washingtonians switch to climate-friendly options for their homes, schools, businesses, vehicles, and more. I personally think that the defeat of this Initiative is crucial if we truly want to combat the climate crisis. Please pass this information to everyone you know!)

JULY 2 – 7:00 pm
Register here:

JULY 10 – Wenatchee Interfaith Climate Group meeting @ 1:00 – We look at the Climate Crisis through a Spiritual point of view and take actions in faith. If you are interested in joining us, email
“Stop the Money Pipeline” has activated the “SUMMER OF HEAT” project to get banks and insurance companies to stop funding fossil fuel extraction projects. Here is the latest:
In the 13 days since the launch of the Summer of Heat, there have been 7 actions and 184 arrests at the headquarters of the world’s largest funder of fossil fuels, Citibank.
On Friday, the youth were back, blockading Citi’s HQ with 4 fifteen-foot-long pipelines that spelled out: Citibank Stop Funding Death.
I don’t know if it was because of the record-breaking heat, or because it was the seventh protest at the headquarters in 10 business days, but whatever the reason, Citi employees were much more irascible than at previous actions.
One middle-aged man in a suit violently pushed a young student. Another kicked a climate defender in the shin. When one climate defender pointed out that hundreds of people have died at the annual hajj pilgrimage due to extreme heat, she was told by a Citi worker to “take a xanax”.
Because, yeah, I suppose taking a numbing painkiller is one way to respond to the fact that corporations like Citibank are pushing our world toward climate breakdown.
It’s been a full two weeks already, but there’s not a lot of time for rest. Starting today is the Summer of Heat – Gulf South Solidarity Week.
As part of one of the largest build-outs of new fossil fuel projects happening anywhere in the world, dozens of new LNG, oil export, and petrochemical projects are slated to be built along the coastlines of Texas and Louisiana. And so, this week, we’re honored to welcome 170+ community organizers and frontline leaders from the Gulf South to New York.
All week, we’ll be organizing actions (there are at least five that I know of), before the week culminates on Friday in the largest Summer of Heat action so far: the Gulf South Rising, Fossil Banks Sinking March and Mass Civil Disobedience.
The goal on Friday is to have 1,000+ people march from Zuccotti Park, where Occupy Wall Street was launched in 2011, to the headquarters of Citibank, where more than 100 people will engage in nonviolent civil disobedience to demand an end to fossil fuels. If you’re in New York, I hope you’ll join us―because we need you.
I’m not going to lie. This is tiring. Organizing action after action; working 12, 13, 14 hours a day; it takes a toll. I’ve been arrested three times in the past two weeks; twice at actions when I wasn’t anticipating it. On Friday, I was arrested, without warning, as I tried to calm down an irate security guard. As the heat rises in New York, the temperature at our protests is growing, too.
But, tiring as it may be, as the deadly heat currently scorching the world―from the US and Mexico to the Middle East; from Greece to Egypt― reminds us: the fight to end fossil fuels could not be more important.
And so even if we are tired, the stakes make it easy to keep going. So does the community and the courage and the beauty that is spilling out of this campaign, and the fact that we’re already starting to inspire other actions around the country and the world.
And so on this Sunday, I’m already looking forward to the week ahead.
In Solidarity
– Alec, Stop the Money Pipeline coalition co-director
PS: If you’re wondering what you can do, one of the key things we’re asking people to do right now (besides show up) is to make a donation. If you’re in a position to make a donation, it’s greatly appreciated.
I hope all of this encourages you to get involved. Our Future Need All of Us!
Sue Kane – newsletter editor