Due to a number of issues (computer tech being the main one) I have not sent out a newsletter for quite a while.  Here’s what is happening around our area:

CCNCW: We will be setting up a Zoom meeting in the near future.  Issues we need to explore:

  • Do we want to send questionnaires to candidates in this upcoming election? Who? What Questions? Actions?
  • Do we want to develop a statement of support for Climate Justice and Black Lives Matter?
  • Hear from the other organizations in our “Umbrella”
  • Send opinions, ideas & topics to me at our climateconversationsncw@gmail.com email

350Wenatchee.org: 2 reps from this group, Jeanne Poirier and Sue Kane, are participating in a Zoom retreat put on by the state organization.  They are working to developing ways to support each local chapter in our Climate Actions statewide.

Interfaith Climate Group: They meet monthly via Zoom.  Their next meeting is Wednesday July 8 at 1:00 pm. If you are interested in attending the Zoom meeting, email: merry8roy@gmail.com. The Group has been discussing a variety of interesting climate issues and reviewing the book, “The Future We Choose: Surviving the Climate Crisis” by Christina Figueres.

Do you Know a Farmer that Needs Information about the Climate Crisis? 350Spokane is sponsoring a Zoom meeting that they might want to attend:

Climate Change in Washington State: Are We Getting Thirsty?
Join Washington State Climatologist Dr. Nick Bond to learn more about present and expected future climate conditions in Eastern Washington, with a focus on water resources, along with water-related impacts on agriculture and ecosystems.

When: 350 Spokane’s July meeting, via Zoom, Tuesday, July 14, 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm.

RSVP HERE to receive a Zoom invitation (you won’t be able to attend without one).

About the Speaker:
Dr. Bond, Washington State Climatologist and University of Washington Professor of Atmospheric Sciences, has an abiding interest (or obsession) with the weather and climate of the North Pacific and Western North America. Along with his extensive study of our state, he has researched the effects of coastal terrain on storms, the behavior of Pacific cyclones, the atmospheric response to declining sea ice in Alaska, and effects of climate variations on marine ecosystems.

Interesting Articles:

Fashion Industry & Carbon Emissions

Who is Ready to be a Fearless Granny (or Grandpa)

“2040” A Climate Documentary

NCW United: #177



