The Next Interfaith Zoom Meeting is Wednesday – May 13 – Starting at 1:00 PM. If you are interested in being a part of this meeting contact Merry Roy @ merry8roy@gmail.com and she will send you an invitation.
Audubon would like us to join them this Thursday!
Susan Paulsen is Audubon’s Eastern Washington Organizer and is encouraging us to be involved in a project they are initiating for the upcoming legislative session. Audubon’s goal is to create a welcoming space for us to come together through our shared love of birds and the shared mission of protecting them through climate advocacy. As the Audubon study Survival by Degrees demonstrated, climate is our greatest threat to birds and people.
The coming 2020 Washington legislative session will bring a lot of changes and keeping climate as a consideration will take team work from all members of the community. These teams are not limited to Audubon members, and we are encouraging you to invite your family and friends!
Join us for the Audubon Climate Team Webinar on May 14 at 4:30 pm. You canRegister here or at https://audubon.zoom.us/
Achieving a just transition to clean energy to protect birds and people is still Audubon’s guiding mission, and your district is still uniquely crucial to that.
I’m looking forward to meeting you in May. If you have questions, comments or suggestions please email me at any time.
Susan Paulsen – Audubon Eastern Field Organizer – susan.paulsen@audubon.org