Join #BuildBackFossilFree and as we ask President Biden to STOP LINE 3, DAPL and ALL future fossil fuel extraction!
Friday, April 2nd we will chalk the walk at Chase Bank, Orondo & Mission in Wenatchee at 6:00 PM, until it gets dark enough to use our Lighted Signs.

Join “The Light Brigade!” Wear masks. Be COVID safe & smart!

Here’s Why this MATTERS!
On April 1st, Native youth on the frontlines of the Dakota Access Pipeline and Line 3 fights will be going to DC. They kick off a week of action asking Biden to Stop DAPL, Stop Line 3 and build back fossil free. March 29th begins the trial of Derek Chauvin who killed George Floyd. This action is in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and Indigenous water protectors who face increasing police violence at the Line 3 pipeline construction site. April 9th the US Army Corps of Engineers will have a court hearing to explain what its plan is for DAPL, forcing the Biden Administration’s hand. Will DAPL continue to operate?

Chase Bank continues to fund the extraction and building of pipelines for tar
sand – the WORST POLLUTER of the fossil fuels. They trample on the rights of
Indigenous owners of the lands. They threaten the clean water of all people
along the pipelines. Line 3 will cross through wild rice lakes and more than
192 bodies of water – rivers, lakes and watersheds – including the Mississippi
River twice.
It’ll be a Good Friday, and yes, there will be music. Join us for any or all of this!

Civil Action Team (CAT) ACTIONS AT THE STATE LEGISLATURE:  Please use this link to contact legislators as they make decisions that will impact our state.  We need Clean & Just  Legislation!

Are you part of a group that might want to support this action?
Plastic Free Washington and Washington Sin Plástico Coalition have provided a sign-on form for you to support E2SSB 5022. This bill bans expanded polystyrene, makes plastic food ware only available by request, and establishes recycled content standards for beverage containers. 
Sign on to let our legislators know there is broad support for this important bill, which is currently in the House Appropriations Committee!
Save the Date:  Wenatchee Interfaith Climate Group on April 14 @ 1:00 pm  We look at the Climate Crisis through a Spiritual point of view and take actions in faith.  If you are interested in joining us, email
7 days of Action #214:
Yale Climate Connections: Will NASCAR go Electric?
Yale Climate Connections: The climate crisis & inequality –
Sue Kane – Newsletter Editor
