Hi all –

Sharing this with you as you’ve played roles in some of our Chase actions in the past.

Below is our latest email exchange with Matt Arnold — Chase’s “Global Head of Sustainable Finance” who is the guy who will write the policy should they decide to stop funding tar sands, and other fossil fuels. CC’d on the email is a whole bunch of Chase executives, as well as folks from other organizations working on the Chase campaign

In other updates: Matt Arnold recently met with Rainforest Action Network folks in New York. They reported back that the meeting was frustrating, with Matt saying shit like he has spoken with tar sands industry executives who told him that the industry has come up with this marvelous new technology that means tar sands will emit far fewer greenhouse gas emissions, and so, basically, it’s all fine and dandy and we shouldn’t worry ourselves.

Also, it would be really wonderful if you might be able to take a few minutes today – or sometime this week – to call Chase and ask them to not renew their $625 million loan to Enbridge, which is due to expire on June 29th. Enbridge is the company trying to build the major new tar sands pipeline Line 3, against the basic laws of physics and the wishes of the 5 Ojibwe tribes whose lands would be impacted.

There is a call script and talking points here. 

We’re working with numerous other organizations to try and make sure they get as many calls as possible this week, so if you are able to take a few minutes to make that call: thank you!

