CAFE, Parque Padrinos, Wenatchee for Immigrant Justice, and Hand-in-Hand Immigration have approximately 55 community members from North Central Washington traveling to Olympia on Thursday, January 30 for the Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Day. So far none of the legislators from the 7th or the 12th have offered time in response to the Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network’s emails asking for a meeting with either the legislators or their aides. We are asking that you contact your representatives by phone and tell them that you want them to hear our concerns. Please forward this request to others in your networks from the 12th & 7th.
You can find your legislative district and legislators’ contact information here:
In solidarity and with gratitude,
Rachael Pashkowski
Wenatchee for Immigrant Justice
509.237.8120 or 509.761.9187