As I write this on Friday, I am enjoying the rain on my roof and begrudgingly accepting that my tomatoes are never going to ripen, lamenting all of the things i’ve=e left outside, which, now soaked, went from being useful things to yard ornaments. We live in a beautiful rain forest.
At the same time, I’ve been gripped by the magnitude of destruction in North Carolina following Hurricane Helene, and now the rain seems a little less beautiful. Please consider supporting relief efforts and mutual aid organizations on the ground. The link goes to Foundation for Appalachian Kentucky, which friends on the ground have told us is a good group to support. Please be in touch if you hear of any local efforts to support the communities impacted.
We’re thrilled to invite you to Intertwined 2024, our annual celebration, fundraiser, and feast. A huge thank you to everyone who has sponsored the event so far!
This year, our theme is celebrating the threads of our movement web. Like a fungus growing from decay and sprouting tasty, nourishing fruit, our movement is composting all of the dying things of the past to make something new and lovely.
Please join us for our annual party! We will have a gourmet meal featuring foraged local mushrooms, a fantastic program, and many amazing activists in attendance.
SAVE THE DATE: Intertwined 2024 Thursday, November 14th, 6:00 PM
Washington Hall, 153 14th Ave, Seattle
Interested in helping out with event coordination? Email Shemona.
NO ON I-2117
The campaign at Action Night Last Thursday!
We’re organizing to defeat four terrible state-level ballot initiatives being bankrolled by multi-millionaire hedge fund owner Brain Heywood that would repeal Washington’s most significant steps toward climate action. These initiatives would be a disaster for workers, our communities, and the climate. Read more about each of them here.
To protect workers, our communities, clean air, waters, forests and farmland, jobs, and transportation, we cannot allow these initiatives to pass. It’s looking like a close race and Seattle has the potential to swing the statewide vote in our favor.
So we’re organizing to make sure everyone in our networks and beyond knows about these initiatives, and turns out to vote no to defend climate action at the ballot box!
We have loads of opportunities to get involved:
THURSDAY ACTION NIGHTS Every Thursday, from 6:30-8:30PM we host a hybrid peer outreach + campaign work party action night. Organizing, persuading, and turning out the people you already know to vote no is one of the most important roles in this campaign – hearing from a friend, colleague or family member has been proven to be the most effective organizing tool for campaigns to get out the vote! Sign up for an action night event here.
We’ll also be doing tabling and door knocking events to get the word out in community and secure pledges to vote no! Keep an eye out for tabling and door knocking events on ourwebsite that you can join.
Our community education team is geared up and ready to give educational presentations at community colleges, PTA’s, faith groups, neighborhood/community groups, or any other group setting that wants to have us. We are ready to come to you to give you all the information and tools you need to defeat the four initiatives this November. If you’re a student and/or are connected to any community groups like churches, unions, neighborhood groups or other activist organizations where we could share this important information let us know by taking this quick 2-min survey!
The Seattle Solidarity Budget crew is fighting for a Seattle city budget that is anti-racist, centers the needs of the most vulnerable Seattle residents, and responds to the overlapping crises of racism, economic injustice, climate change, and the continuing pandemic and health crises. 350 Seattle has been part of the Solidarity Budget coalition since its inception in 2020 and will continue to support this important advocacy.
Do you like to do research? The human cost of war is devastating. What is the ecological and carbon cost of the war – in Israel-Gaza-Lebanon, in Russia-Ukraine, and Sudan? How does our mass consumption of fossil fuels – and phones and other battery-hungry technology – contribute to ecocide, exploitation, and violence? The research arm of the Anti-War x Climate Collective is getting stronger. If you’d like to take up a specific question and research it for the workgroup, Contact Mary if interested.
More interested in showing up at in-person protests, teach-ins, worker solidarity? Join the AntiWar x Climate Collective Signal group, which is where we share most events we hear about. Contact Mary if interested.
We just learned about a targeted boycott of the new Apple iPhone called for by TeamCongo.rdc,
Upcoming Events:
Call Her Ganda: film screening and discussion October 8th, 5:30PM
Rainier Beach Presbyterian Church
Yom Kippur ritual and Rally led by Jewish Voices for Peace
7AM-10AM, October 11th
Jackson Federal Building, 2nd & Cherry downtown Seattle.
Wear white, leave signs at home.
Update on Re-Imagine Seafair – No More Blue Angels:
With the Airshow Climate Action Coalition, we’ll be part of a presentation to the Seattle Special Events Committee on October 10, 10-11:30am. In support of our presentation, you can sign this petition or consider making follow-up public comments at remote meetings on November 14th at 10-10:15AM. Contact Mary for details.
The Aviation Team is confronting an immediate threat to the climate and our health!
Communities living near SeaTac Airport and under its flight paths face overlapping climate, health, and environmental crises. On October 21, the airport will unveil its long-overdue draft environmental review for its mega-expansion projects. These expansion projects threaten our region’s climate pollution targets and are already underway without environmental review!
Unless we stop the expansion, it will widen our health disparities by adding 50% more noise and air pollution for near-airport communities and neighborhoods under flight paths. Ironically, this plan is called the SAMP – Sustainable Airport Master Plan.
The Aviation Team is facilitating coordination with other community groups and working on 350 Seattle’s response. We need YOUR help! This round of comments is due December 5,so this could be a short-term commitment, though there will be further rounds of this and we would love to have you for the long term.
This month, the Federal Policy Team recommends that you take these two important actions!
The WTO has leveled a new attack on the clean energy provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The challenge outrageously claims the U.S. can’t spend taxpayer dollars to create clean energy jobs for American workers.
Governments worldwide must be allowed to prioritize needed climate action without fear that corporate-driven trade rules will subject them to costly trade disputes. Take action by signing and sharing this petition. By doing so, you’ll join official public comments urging the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) to reject the WTO case against the IRA and to support a Climate Peace Clause that would help prevent future trade attacks on climate initiatives. For more info about the Climate Peace Clause, see this webinar with Trade Justice.
Congress may vote on Manchin’s Energy Permitting Reform Act sometime this fall.
Please call the offices of Senators Murray [(202) 224-2621] and Cantwell [(202) 224-3441] urging them to vote No if this bill comes up for a vote.
Here’s an example of a script you could use: “Please vote no if and when Senator Manchin’s Energy Permitting Reform Act (Senate bill 4753) comes to a vote. This legislation guts bedrock environmental protections, endangers public health, opens up tens of millions of acres of public lands and hundreds of millions of acres of offshore waters to further oil and gas leasing, gives public lands to mining companies, and would defacto rubberstamp gas export projects that harm frontline communities and perpetuate the climate crisis.”
We meet the first Wednesday of every month at 5PM. If you’d like to join, sign up for our listserv. Or if have any questions or ideas, email Beth or Linnea.
CAF’s October Monthly Meeting
Friday, October 18th, 6 – 8pm
Join Climate Action Families’ October Meeting and co-create a hilarious skit inspired by Star Wars! Bring your costumes for battle! All Halloween characters are invited. RSVP here.
Potluck Dinner – doors open at 5:45 pm. This is a family-friendly place to connect with people who want to act on climate. Youth and adults of all ages are welcome.
You can bring a dish, but don’t worry if you can’t—we know that families are busy. We provide a simple dinner to ground the Potluck, and there is always enough. Meetings are held in Seattle locations that are easy to reach using public transportation.
In October, we are focusing on the history and future of capitalism using the podcast Scene on Radio Season 7: Capitalism. This podcast outlines the history of capitalism, from its emergence in Europe 500 years ago up to the present. And they explore alternatives, from reforms of capitalism as we know it to more radical transformations. Our first discussion will focus on episodes 1-6 and will be on October 6th from 2:30-4:30. We will cover episodes 7-12 on October 20th from 2:30-4:30. You can join us either in-person at the 350 office or using this Zoom link.
In November, we will be starting off with A Prayer for the Crown Shy by Becky Chambers. This is the sequel to Psalm for the Wild Built that we read earlier this year. Heads up, this is a popular book so put in your library request SOON!
If you are interested in staying connected with the Book Club, you can sign up through this form and we will get you looped in to our emails and signal channel!
So many of us long to take meaningful action to advance climate justice, but are daunted by the scope of these challenges. Finding tools to face and feel our grief and fear can be transformative, empowering and energizing us to be truly present and become agents of positive change in the world.
So this election season, consider joining us for the next Climate Grief and Empowerment Group, which meets monthly on every second Saturday! Together, we’ll engage in collective practices that deepen our capacity for dwelling with difficult emotions and strengthen strategies for coping in uncertain times.
We welcome adults (18+) for as many or as few meetings as you would like! The Climate Grief and Empowerment Group is co-sponsored by 350 Seattle and Climate Action Families, out of the recognition that ongoing emotional support plays a critical role in building community resilience and robust social movements.
We need a new storage space for our Art & Props! Here is a zero time, and very meaningful way to contribute toward Climate Justice! We need 8’x20’x ceiling height or more total, that can be in one or several clean and dry locations, with easy occasional access for our art leads to retrieve whatever is needed of our amazingly powerful larger and less used artful imagery for organizers in the movement as needed! Ask your trusted friends and neighbors too? (contact Deep gratitude for any leads to someone who has this to contribute!
Join the Artful Team and/or the Artful Alerts list! Sign up here to get on the Artful email list for monthly info on upcoming community art opportunities and to let us know your still sets! (Scroll all the way down that web page to sign up.) Skills welcome and appreciated! AND… no art skills yet? no problem! Join us! We’ll teach you as you go! You’ll love to be part of making the art for our actions in a supportive, learning, fun, and connecting atmosphere with other people who care enough to show up, and who accept you as you are. Come have fun with us, building powerful beauty for the movement!
RSVP for Upcoming Art Builds! No experience needed, just energy and smiles! Join us for camaraderie while doing meaningful, beautiful and powerful work!
Upcoming events:
Art Build: Today! Sunday, Oct 6, 12-4PM, in Fremont
Batik, painting, projecting, cutting, sewing, measuring, labeling for Indigenous Peoples’ Day for Peace, Intertwined (our fun annual Gala Fundraiser), and more!
Indigenous People’s Day Rally and March for Peace:
Oct 14th, Monday, Noon-6PM:
Gather near King St Station then march at 1:30 to Westlake (1.2 miles). ART HELP needed:art setup at King Street Plaza, positioning during the march and rally, take-down at Westlake Park, as well as transporting canopies and tables and helping setup at Westlake. THIS is the 10th year anniversary of winning this holiday for Indigenous People instead of for colonizers, and this year it is dedicated to PEACE and solidarity with Palestinians, drawing the parallels with the colonization and genocide of Indigenous People here. The Westlake event will end with a huge round dance for peace.
Intertwined Nov. 14th, Thursday
Washington Hall
Set up from 1-5pm, event from 6-9:30pm, clean up from 9:00-11:00 pm at Washington Hall. THIS IS OUR WONDERFUL ANNUAL GALA FUNDRAISER!! Come be part of the Celebration! Help decorate: set up our beautiful banners and earth lanterns, support participatory mushroom themed art and photo booth stations, and/or help with art take down. Enjoy socializing, food, drink, performances, a raffle, and other fun while helping us fundraise and celebrate our wonderful community and achievements toward climate justice! You’ll get a complimentary ticket with food and drink if you need one for helping out! And if you would like to attend (but not volunteer), please get tickets for yourself, family and friends here.
Whatever calls you to the Artful Team, this team is for you! Contact Lisa.
Put Art into Action – Want an important job at actions and events? We’re creating a team of interested people who can show up as able to set up/take down the art, invite people to participate and see that it’s displayed well. Please sign up to learn more!
D-R-U-M-m-i-n-g to enliven our actions – We’ve got bucket drums ready and will be getting people together once we have enough people. Sign up here to drum with us!
Sound Equipment at events/actions needs operators! (including PAs, a sound board, power stations, mics, and bluetooth) We are looking to train a bigger group of people so that someone is likely interested and available when we need sound at smaller events (some comfort with tech, no experience needed, var/hrs when you can). Contact Lisa.
Photos needed for our photo library: Are you willing to share any great shots that you captured at a 350 Seattle event, art build, or action? Please submit your best images to our Photo Library to share them with our community for use in our organization’s storytelling, including our outreach, communications, and fundraising efforts.Here are our guidelines and the email address for submitting photos to our library editors.
Videos! Check out the 350 Seattle YouTube page for events content and DIY Art how-to videos, recordings of past general meetings, webinars, and awesome trainings.
Help us create a more resilient activist community!
Do you have a skill or service you would like to offer at low or no cost to the 350 Seattle activist community as a way to take part in and support the work we do? No matter your strengths and skills, there is a place for you! Maybe you’re able to offer tax prep help, or a free acupuncture session, or pet sitting. All skills are welcome! Please fill out this form with your own offerings, and we’ll reach out to confirm details. We’re excited to hear from you!
Lastly, take a minute to bookmark our Community Activist Resource List, full of helpful resources of all kinds. Feel free to share with others in our broader movement community who may be interested!
“I don’t think any of us can fully express the depth of emotional, time, and energetic commitment that Lisa brings to 350S and the broader climate justice movement. From leading caucuses and organizing the art team to spearheading art creation and exhibition events, her impact is profound. From leading caucuses, organizing the art team, leading many art creation and exhibition events, supporting partner organizations (like CAF) to helping with the smallest details that make things just perfect. Most recently, she led the creation of a beautiful installation at Luminata, where people were drawn into a peaceful, contemplative space she helped shape. Now, she’s generously offered to make some special refinements to our banner. I just want to give her the biggest embrace because I know how much love and effort go into caring this deeply. It’s a level of dedication far beyond what a 9-5 job would ever require, and for that, I am forever grateful.”
– Grace S.
“Thank you, Barb Drake! You welcomed our larger pieces of imagery in your garage for the last decade and made it easy for us to access it for all kinds of uses in the org and the movement. It has always been a joy to interact with you, and we hope you will stay connected and let us know if you need any support from this community in turn. The org is eternally grateful for your eager generosity and supportive role which has allowed the Artful team to have the impact we have had with ease over the years!”
– Lisa, on behalf of 350 Seattle and the Artful Team
“Susan on the 350 Seattle Anti-War x Climate Collective is a calm, consistent, creative, courageous presence in so many ways – not only at our monthly meetings online but at so many in-person events. Thank you, Susan!”
– Mary
“Linnea Scott, 350 Federal Policy co-lead is amazing! Linnea looks for creatives ways to build our climate just movement at work, at home, and on our team. 24/7 she speaks up and models how to include and balance time and caring for young family, a demanding day job, and bold action-researching climate policies, writing, calling and meeting with other activists as well as elected leaders & their staff to prevent destructive bills and pass just climate protection for all.”
– Beth
And a thank you to you, newsletter reader! See you next month.
– Ben
350 Seattle
5031 University Way NE
Seattle, WA 98105
United States
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