Hello Jeanne
Welcome to your August newsletter! Whether you are braving fighter jets from Seafair, concerned about growing heat islands in the Seattle metropolitan area, or perhaps escaping the hubbub to head out to Washington’s embattled forests, know there are many ways that this community is agitating for a different future. Read on to see how you can plug in.
Also July was great. Thanks to everyone who came out to the BBQs, canvasses and marches!
“We are choking on smoke under polluted skies and watching the planes while toxins fall on us and into our eyes. We cannot afford the airshows, in every sense of the word. We cannot afford the layering on of poor summer air quality issues that send us to urgent care with asthma attacks. We cannot afford to contaminate our children’s lungs for a party. We cannot afford to waste taxpayer dollars on a few hours of entertainment that are costing us so dearly – including impacting our quality of life.”
This is an excerpt from Rachel Heaton’s dynamite op-ed in the Urbanist this week. If you wince every time those jets rip overhead and are balling your fists in frustration, read on for some suggestions to help you ward off the pall of militarism.
NoMAS – No More Military Air Shows!, info-picket at Seafair
When: August 5th & 6th, 10AM – noon, Lake Washington Blvd & 43rd Ave South
The Blue Angels pollute the environment, disturb residents and promote militarism. Join us to say it’s time to end military air shows at Seafair. We’ll be handing out flyers calling attention to the climate and health impacts of the Blue “Angels.” Help hold the beautiful 350 S banner! Parking will be impossible, so best to plan on public transportation. Bring water and ear plugs (although the blue angels won’t be performing until mid to late afternoon, after our protest).
You could also sign this petition and you, of course, can always contact Mayor Bruce Harrell and tell him to cancel the air shows. May this be the last Seafair polluted by fighter jets and the military industrial complex.
Tired of airplane noise and pollution? Want to help figure out what we should do about the only source of carbon emissions we don’t have a feasible green alternative for? Join the Aviation Team as part of two local community coalitions opposing the health and climate impacts of airport expansions. Contact Laura at lgibbons51@yahoo.com if you would also like to get involved.
August 8th, 7-8PM
Register here
We are working on updating our community resource list to encompass the vast number of resources available in the Seattle area for 350 Seattle and the general community! Check out the resource list here and share with others who may be interested.
Do you have a skill or service you would like to offer at very reduced or no charge to the 350 Seattle activist community as a way to take part in and support the work we do or do you know of BIPOC businesses in our community who might want to be added to the list linked here? All skills are welcome!
Please fill out this form with your own offerings, or with other local Black, Indigenous, or People of the Global Majority (BIPGM) businesses we could be patronizing, or other entries we should add to the general resource list and we’ll get back with you! Thanks!
Our current economic system is complex, and can seem to be a failure. But what other options do we have and how can we build alternative futures? This two part webinar, hosted by 350S brilliant intern Iman, will explore the basics of the U.S. economy and capitalism and give you the tools to start thinking about alternative economic systems to our current one. If you are interested in learning about capitalism, the solidarity economy, or strategies for economic social change, this is the webinar for you!
When: Thursday, 08/23/23 6:00PM, Thursday, 8/30/23, 6:00PM
Register here
From Hiroshima to Hope
When: Sunday, August 6th, 6:00PM,
NW shore of Green Lake, on West Green Lake Drive North and Stone Ave North
Speakers, lantern lighting, dance and music, all at one of the largest commemorations of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This event has been held annually since 1984 and is the 78th anniversary of the bombing. Please be in touch if you’d like to help us staff a table. We’ll be highlighting the intersection of US Militarism and Climate. Checkout this great piece from Tasha Essen calling for a formal peace in Korea.
Did you see the Oppenheimer movie? Were you aghast at how the events leading up to a nuclear bombing were portrayed as a story about guys with a lot of feelings? WPSR made a map of Washington’s nuclear weapons and as you can see, Washington State plays a big role in the harms caused by nuclear weapons.
If you want to get more involved in the fight against nukesm consider getting involved with Washington Against Nuclear Weapons (WANW) of which 350 Seattle is a member. This month, WANW is hosting a special coalition meeting to hear the story of Sadae Kasaoka-san, a survivor of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima, in his own words.
When: Thursday August 10, 6PM
Online, Register here
Next month, Seattle City Council will be voting on the plan to transition our city’s big buildings off fossil fuels. Done right, this one policy could tackle 10% of Seattle’s climate pollution, bring life-saving cooling to homes and workplaces across the city, and create thousands of good green jobs.
But good climate policy is not guaranteed: especially when real estate giants and big corporations have been working behind-the-scenes to water down this plan. So far, they’ve succeeded in getting watered-down timelines like net-zero by 2045, pay-to-pollute schemes and loopholes that undermine Seattle’s climate goals.
Whether we get strong climate policy or greenwashing depends on everyday people like you, working together to show the City Council that there’s overwhelming support for Seattle’s Green New Deal. Especially in a hot election year, we need to show on-the-fence Councilmembers that their constituents care about climate justice.
If you care about:
* Timelines aligned with climate justice and science
* Life-saving cooling this decade
* Thousands of good, green jobs
* Holding big polluters accountable
* Funding Green New Deal solutions that prioritize communities most impacted by the climate crisis
Then we need YOU to join us in the month leading up to the City Council process. Whether you have 1 hour or 10, whether you’re brand new to organizing or have tons of experience, whether you hate canvassing or love canvassing – we have a role for you. Here’s how you can plug in this month:
Learn more – tune into our weekly campaign call to hear campaign updates, what all our volunteer-led teams are up to, and how you can get involved!
When: Wednesday August 9, 5:00 -6:00pm
Online via Zoom – RSVP here
Join a community canvass and help build support for our Electrify demands! No skills required, we’ll start with a mini-training and work in teams. Oh, and did we mention we have fun costumes?! Sign up for one or more:
* Queen Anne Farmers Market*, Thursday 8/17, 5:30 – 7:30pm
* Columbia City Night Market, Saturday 8/19, 6:00 – 9:00pm
* Magnolia Farmers Market* Sat 8/26 10:00 – 12:00pm
*Wondering why the focus on this corner of North Seattle? We’re hitting District 7 hard in our canvassing because Councilmember Lewis is a key swing vote on the Sustainability & Renters Rights’ Committee – and Lewis told us a few weeks ago that he doesn’t hear enough about climate from his voters 😮
Speaking of which…we’re looking for folks to join our constituent lobbying crews! Team up with other climate justice supporters in your neighborhood to prep for and attend your Councilmember’s office hours. This is a critical way to show electeds that the people who live in their district (and likely vote for them) care about an issue. More info & sign up here.
And last but not least, get ready to pack public hearings in early September by joining our public comment workshop later this month – learn how to give powerful public comment, practice story-telling and connect with other climate justice supporters!
When: Wednesday, August 23, 5:00 – 6:00pm
Online via zoom – RSVP here
Can’t make any of those? Reach out to Jess and we’ll get you plugged in.
Join Art Builds and Screen Printing parties in August! Join us mid/late August for t-shirt screen printing for the Electrify Campaign. RSVP here for upcoming Art Builds (Screen Print Dates, likely between August 15 – 22 TBD, with locations also TBD. All Art Build Dates and Locations will be updated at the RSVP link above. Sign up so we will be able to get back with you with updates.)
Join the Artful Team and Alerts list
Skills welcome, and definitely not required. We’ll teach you as you go! Collaborative tasks like tracing, cutting, twisting ties, painting in between the lines, etc. are always a welcoming and fun way to drop in and be a part of the powerful art at our actions. You’ll be surprised at how quickly you want to try a little something more in a supportive, learning, fun, and connecting atmosphere with other people who care enough to show up, and who accept you as you are.
For those who want to be more involved, we are growing both our art build team and our art in action team, where teams of volunteer leads help others participate (with art leads support) to spread the love. Maybe you’re experienced in performance arts (theater, spoken word, music, dance, and beyond), visual arts (graphic design, painting, drawing, screen printing, building props, sewing, and so much more). Or maybe you are an organized person, or you like data and want to help with the imagery or photo library behind the scenes, or people with creative strategic humor and energy who like to brainstorm. We also need people with other skill sets like DJs, snacks, setup and cleanup, de-escalation, and vibes watchers – is that you?
Whatever calls you to the Artful Team, this team is for you! Contact Lisa at lisamarcus@350seattle.org.
The Federal Policy Team won a partial victory when the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission abruptly removed the GTN Xpress project from the July 27 meeting agenda. The day before the FERC hearing, a different TC Energy pipeline in Virginia exploded and many of us rallied to tell FERC that we don’t want a pipeline explosion here. In the world of pipeline fights, we delay, delay, delay until the project is dropped. So pat yourself on the back, and let’s keep up the pressure on our Senators.
Sen. Cantwell: (202) 224 – 3441
Sen. Murray: (202) 224 – 2621
Urge them to pressure FERC to deny the expansion of GTN Xpress
As part of our work with People v Fossil Fuels, we are continuing to collect signatures on a letter to President Biden, from local representatives of the WA legislature, as well as from city and county representatives. The letter will be circulated nationwide and asks the President to take stronger climate action ahead of the UN Climate Summit in NY this September.
If you want to get involved with the Federal Team, sign up for our listserv here.
How are you feeling about climate change these days? Are you even letting yourself feel? Or is it too big to process? Being overwhelmed by climate-related emotions is a shared reality. We can continue to act from a grounded state when we process these experiences together. You are invited to feel, digest, and move through grief together at the next Climate Grief and Empowerment gatherings.
When: Saturday, August 12th, and Saturday, September 9th, from 10:00–11:45AM
Online, register here separately for each one you’ll attend.
We want your photos! And videos! Did you take photos at a recent 350 Seattle event, art build, or action? Are you willing to share any great shots that you captured with our community? Submit your best images to our Photo Library to share them with our community for use in our organization’s storytelling, including our outreach, communications, and fundraising efforts.Here are our guidelines and the email address for submitting photos to our library editors.
Check out the 350 Seattle YouTube page for events content and DIY Art how-to videos, recordings of past general meetings, webinars, and awesome trainings.
The People’s Echo is a healing centered song collective based on Coast Salish lands and have all sorts of events coming up! Also they have a whole book of songs and it’s amazing.
When: Monday, Aug 14, 6-8pm, online
Recurring monthly every 2nd Monday, alternating online and in-person.
An embodied & song-infused anti-racist space for white and white-passing folks.
Ticket link & event details (sign up to receive zoom link Monday, August 14)
When: 4th Mondays, location variable
Fill out this form if you are interested in joining our monthly songcatching group
When: Sunday, August 6, 6-9pm at Seward Park
Facebook Event
When: Wednesday, August 9, 6-9pm at Seward Park
Ticket Link
Facebook Event
Check out this new calendar that houses all the community song circle events happening in the Seattle area!
**To learn more and stay updated about our upcoming monthly songcatching groups, please fill out our songcatching interest form.**
Stay connected to The People’s Echo for updates on community singing opportunities!
Linktree | Song Book | Soundcloud | Facebook | Instagram (new!)
For questions, email thepeoplesecho@gmail.com
The folks at the PNW Forest Climate Alliance are at it again. This time they are rallying in Bellingham calling on the Commissioner Franz and BNR to enact a conservation policy for mature forests. Here’s the invite:
“Across the PNW, our forests have tremendous capacity to absorb and store carbon, if we protect them for community benefit instead of corporate profit (as King County is trying to do). But currently, there’s no protection for our mature legacy state forests, and the Department of Natural Resources continues to clearcut these older forests, turning these carbon sinks into sources of climate pollution. Later this month, the Board of Natural Resources will be in Bellingham for their annual summer retreat, and forest & climate activists are planning a big rally to send the BNR the message that our communities demand an end to clearcutting our old forests.”
When: August 22nd, 5PM, Bellingham
Sign up here
I want to thank several team members for the extra efforts they’ve made lately. Thank-you to Jim Bernthal and David Kipnis for working on the GTN pipeline phone bank. And thanks to Nancy Hansen and Jim McKeever for setting up Congressional meetings with Suzan DelBene and Derek Kilmer respectively! – Selden
Rox is one of our fabulous art build team leads, always gentle and on it with a welcoming smile and can do team spirit. She’s also a rockin’ graphics person who has helped us with numerous layouts over the years, even some last minute, save the day ones! Thank you Rox! – Lisa
Thank you to Ben and Jess and Amanda and Emily for all of your hard work on writing and editing the 350 Seattle Newsletter, especially while I was out sick the last few months. What a fabulous bunch of people! I felt very supported to take the rest I needed. – Grace
Doug has been helping with Artful for years including co-leading the youth bus stop climate action mural project which graced 15th near the UW Seattle campus for a few years. He is now part of our new Print team for block and screen printing. Doug is also a skilled painter and a loving and kind spirit who adds greatly to the inviting energy and beautiful work in our, and other, art spaces in Seattle. – Lisa
Immense appreciation to all of the electrify research team working so hard on our not- so-secret upcoming research project. Special special thanks to Alex Fay and Alice Lockhart. You are geniuses. – Ben
Thank you, and have a wonderful August – don’t forget its blackberry season!
– Ben
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350 Seattle is an independent local affiliate of the global 350.org. We are not legally or financially connected to 350.org. We’re funded by supporters like you! Click here to make a donation today.
350 Seattle
5031 University Way NE
Seattle, WA 98105
United States