

We’re back, refreshed and ready to win this election.

This week we’re rolling out some tools for you to spread the word about clean air and clean energy to your friends.

Spread the word with VoterCircle
We know oil companies will spend millions to stop progress. But data shows a message from a friend is far more persuasive than a TV ad or mailer.

We’re using a rad new friend-to-friend tool called VoterCircle that lets you ID which of your friends are Washington Voters and quickly send them a message about the campaign.

Click here to start messaging your friends with VoterCircle

Write a letter to the editor (LTE)

A great way to spread the word about 1631 is to write a letter to the editor of your local paper. The best letters are personal stories that explain why you believe in 1631, as opposed to policy explanations.

Our comms director Nick has written a great guide to LTE’s with some samples for you to modify. Check it out here

You can also run your LTE’s by Nick@yeson1631.org if you want feedback.

Tonight’s Celebration!
If you are around Seattle don’t forget our celebration tonight. We’re happy to announce wonderful musical acts from Goodsteph and Erika Lundhal! Get ready to celebrate, toast and dance the night away!

Once again here’s the FB event with the details. 

Endorsements this week
Endorsements this week include Planned Parenthood Votes NW and noted environmentalist Paul Hawken. If you know a group who might endorse 1631 email Lauren@yeson1631.org

Batt and Lear
Sunshine Construction LLC
Green Canopy
Balderston Associates
Ecotope Inc
Pacific Forest Trust
Clark County Democrats
Nichalson Kovalchick Architects
Young Democrats of Clark County
Proterra Inc
Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest

I hope you had a good break, we have 110 days left until election day. Let’s make them count!

Ahmed Gaya
Field Director, Yes On 1631
4347 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA 98105
206-535-6617 (office)
773-960-2587 (cell)

Connect with other climate justice stewards by joining our SLACK Channel or our Facebook group.

Volunteer Code of Conduct:
Yes On 1631 Volunteers come from diverse backgrounds and experiences. To ensure everyone is respected and empowered on our campaign we’ve established a volunteer code of conduct. Please read it here.


Paid for by Clean Air Clean Energy WA

Contributions to Clean Air Clean Energy WA are not tax deductible.

All content © 2018 Clean Air Clean Energy WA, All Rights Reserved
4​34‌7 Roo‌s​ev‌el‌t W‌ay N‌E, S‌ea​ttl‌e, W‌A 9​8‌1‌05
20‌6​-5‌35-​661‌7 | in‌fo@yes‌on16‌31.o‌rg | y‌eson1‌631‌.o‌r‌g
Top 5 contributors: The Nature Conservancy, Climate Solutions, WA State Labor Council, WA Environmental Council, Edmonds Congregation

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