
Jeanne —

Have you seen us on TV?

Our ads have started hitting the air, and we’re so excited for you to see them! We’re working hard to show Washingtonians how saying YES on 1631 will bring us closer to the clean energy future we can build for everyone.

But we have to make sure more people hear us. This has been a people powered campaign from the beginning, and we need your help to make sure our ads reach as many people as possible. Watch our newest TV ad, and then share it with your friends and family on Facebook!

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The truth is that oil companies are spending millions of dollars against us every day. They are going to fill the airwaves with their lies as much as they possibly can — and they have the funding to take up a lot of space.

But we have something they don’t have — supporters like you. Supporters who believe in holding them accountable and fighting back. And that’s why we’re asking you today to share this video as far and wide as possible. Let’s prove that we don’t need oil companies’ millions to get the word out.

Share our TV ad on Facebook today.

Can’t wait to see this in everyone’s feeds!


Team Yes on 1631


I-1631 is Washington’s first step towards reducing pollution and ensuring a cleaner future for the next generation. Click here to learn more about how this will protect our state’s health, our air, and drinking water, and create new clean energy jobs across the state.


Paid for by Clean Air Clean Energy WA

Contributions to Clean Air Clean Energy WA are not tax deductible.

All content © 2018 Clean Air Clean Energy WA, All Rights Reserved
4​34‌7 Roo‌s​ev‌el‌t W‌ay N‌E, S‌ea​ttl‌e, W‌A 9​8‌1‌05
20‌6​-5‌35-​661‌7 | in‌fo@yes‌on16‌31.o‌rg | y‌eson1‌631‌.o‌r‌g
Top 5 contributors: The Nature Conservancy, Craig McKibben, Sarah Merner, Chris Stolte, Washington Environmental Council

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