Mission Ridge Resort Master Plan Chelan County Comments Due by October 19, 2018  Send Comments to kirsten.larsen@co.chelan.wa.org


link to SEPA  with EIS and other attachmentsThe proponent has filed a SEPA checklist, it is  included as an attachment  to the attached.  Be sure to read it before commenting.   The purpose and need for this proposal needs confronting.   Why a proposal to develop when the long term viability of the ski area is not likely due to climate change   ?  They propose this to get money to improve the ski areas economic situation,  open the books, let us see.   I will propose other solutions.  An outdated 1986 Environmental Impact Statement is referenced and used as the environmental analysis/document for this proposal.  Emphasize the need for a current EIS while pointing out inadequacies in analysis.   The EIS needs to be project specific, the plan is not the same as in 1986  (addendums need to be read).     You can define the affected environment,  due to climate change , it is the planet , this will need to be addressed.  The affected environment is the ecosystem,–  dry mixed forest, the valley.  Environmental Justice needs an extensive analysis.  Many things have changed since 1986: climate change is a major issue for ecosystems, species,  transportation etc.   We have a changing world a stressful world for all life,   We have inversions that affect local air quality in winter and  enact no burn days.  Effects on the valley and the  Stemilt Basin.   The Washington State DNR has leased land to Kyle Mathison to grow cherries on Wheeler Ridge to the northeast, within a mile or so of the proposal.   The effects on the 1000 elk that use the Stemilt Basin need analysis.   The orchards are fenced and have changed elk use and migration,  local landowners have documented changes causing landowner-elk conflicts that were not an issue before the fenced orchard.     Fish become an issue with more water being used  under an existing permit,  water that could be used to cool, the Columbia River for  special status salmon and steelhead.    Emphasize  save the salmon, nourish the the southern population  Orcas  (it is all they eat)  Fish  presently in Squilchuck Creek  and potential for run restoration need analysis.   Effects on local businesses need consideration as well.   Fire is an important area for analysis.  If there are unanswered scientific questions they MUST be addressed in the EIS.   Cumulative effects  need discussion, that is all past, present, and likely forseeable future actions.   Share your ideas, we would like to hear them.   Help is available if needed.  info@350wenatchee.org

Send Comments to kirsten.larsen@co.chelan.wa.org

